To day when i was getting off the bus i was expecting to see my dad waiting for me because
he said he would, but he wasn't there. So i was kind of bummed. But i walked home any ways and when i was just getting to the drive way i saw, down the street, a cop car and a tow truck. I was like "Whoa what's going on over there". I didn't really think about it though.
Then my nanna called me awhile after and said she wouldn't be home until around 6 and if i could to get my homework and shower down by then. I asked her why and she just said that she had some thing to do, which was kinda weird bc she most of the time tells me. So i was working on my homework in the computer room and some one came through the door which was weird bc my nanna doesn't come through the front door that often. Then she told me not to be scared but that my dad got in a moter cycle accident. I was so scared, but she told me he was ok and he is. But he had two broken vertabrate and a bruised ankle. I was really scarred so i kinda started crying but thankfully he is ok.